A.Q.M. Co.,Ltd. – Raychem / TE

SKU: D04-2 Category:

High voltage cable-to-bus insulation for 5-15kV




HVBC ( High Voltage Cable-to-Bus Insulation for 5-15kV)


RRBB board is a non-structural, interphase barrier for switchgear applications. The  RRBB board is made from a homogeneous polymer and has excellent track resistance, especially following a power-arc. Easily fabricated into a shape, it produces less nuisance dust and less. tooling wear than other boards.


The HVBC kit contains heat-shrinkable insu lating tubing and sealant strips for insulating and environmentally sealing high-voltage in-line cable-to-busbar connections. For multiple cable connections, the kit also contains a heat-shrinkable sealing boot. The kit greatly simplifies field installation and eliminates the labor and skill needed for tape-and-putty methods.

When HVBC kits are used with TE’s high voltage terminations, the diameter build-up over the cable is minimal. This increas es working space in cramped areas and allows up to four cable connections. HVBC may be used in applications up to 15 kV in accordance with ANSI/IEEE specifications, and up to 36 kV in accordance with IEC applications. Rated to ANSI/IEEE C37.20-1987.



Selection Information: dimensions in inches (millimeters)

Catalog Number  Number of  Cable Size Range
Bus Width: 2–4 inches  Bus Width: 5–6 inches  Cables  (Min.–Max.)
HVBC-41 HVBC-61 1 #4–1000 kcmil
HVBC-42 HVBC-62 2 #4–1000 kcmil
HVBC-43 HVBC-63 3 #4–1000 kcmil
HVBC-44 HVBC-64 4 #4–1000 kcmil


Accessory  Description
BP-46 Bolt Pad
Order/Application information
1. Select the appropriate catalog number. Confirm selection with dimensions. 3. Shielded cable must be ter mi n ated before
One HVBC kit insulates one phase of an in-line cable-to-bus connection. installing the HVBC products; use TE’s HVT terminations.
 – Maximum  bolt length : 2 inches 4. Standard package: 3 kits/box
 – Maximum busbar thickness : 5/8 inches 5. Related test report: EDR-5103
–  Maximum bare bus length : 9 inches
2. BBIT tubing, BPTM tubing, or HVBT tape, can be used to
insulate the exposed busbar before installing the HVBC products.