A.Q.M. Co.,Ltd. – Raychem / TE

SKU: D02 Category:

MV Busbar insulation tubing




Medium Voltage Busbar insulation tube (BPTM/BBIT) from TE (Raychem)



BPTM Catalogues no. Rectangular busbar Wall thickness Price/m
(L +T) mm. mm.
Min Max Min Max
BPTM 15/6-A/U 12 18 1.1 1.9  ฿     1,350
BPTM 30/12-A/U 22 38 1.1 2.2  ฿     1,700
BPTM 50/20-A/U 36 65 1.1 2.35  ฿     1,900
BPTM 75/30-A/U 55 95 1.1 2.35  ฿     2,200
BPTM 100/40-A/U 70 130 1.1 2.35  ฿     3,100
BPTM 120/50-A/U 90 165 1.3 2.8  ฿     4,300
BPTM 175/70-A/U 125 235 1.3 2.8  ฿     8,800
BPTM 205/110-A/U 200 276 1.3 2.8  ฿   16,500
BPTM 235/130-A/U 235 315 1.5 3.1  ฿   20,000


BBIT Catalogues no. Rectangular busbar Wall thickness Price/m
(L +T) mm. mm.
Min Max Min Max
BBIT 25/10-A/U 17 28 1.6 3.6  ฿     5,300
BBIT 40/16-A/U 28 45 1.6 3.6  ฿     6,000
BBIT 65/25-A/U 44 69 1.6 3.6  ฿     7,000
BBIT 100/40-A/U 69 102 1.6 3.6  ฿   10,000
BBIT 150/60-A/U 102 148 1.6 3.6  ฿   16,000
BBIT 175/80-A/U 133 196 1.6 3.6  ฿   26,500


ระยะห่างระหว่าง Busbar (Typical clearance for busbar)


The following table indicates the possible clearance reduction as a result of using Rasulate insulation. These spacing are derived from BIL, AC withstand, DC withstand, and discharge extinction tests on a limited number of busbar configurations insulated with Raysulate products. Due to the wide range of possible busbar geometries, these spacing should not be adopted withouttesting by user. Sharp electrodes and unusal geometries will require wider spacing.


Rated Volatge (KV) BBIT inuslated Clearance (Indoor) BPTM inuslated Clearance (Indoor) Uninsulated (Air) Clearance (Indoor)
(A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Round busbar
12 30 40 55 65 120 120
24 60 90 95 125 220 220
36 100 160 150 205 320 320
Rectangular busbar
12 35 45 65 75 120 120
24 70 100 115 150 220 220
36 140 190 200 285 320 320


Typical Clearance for Busbar